
The parameter module contans the Param class that interact with the database to get and manage the parameter spaces. This is the main module that you should interact with.


In order to get the paramaters, the Param class needs to be given a Database instance (e.g. sheets, Delimited file). The database is where the parameters to be tested live. The database has a couple required fields (attributes) and many optional fields. The Fields section provides more information on how the database should be configured.

Each time a new parameter set is requested, the database will be downloaded again. This means that the database can be changed as DAPT is running to add or remove the number of tests. k An important note regarding database is that they can be ran local or on the internet. This means that multiple people can work on the parameter set at the same time, thus distributing the computational work load.


A field is the key (or identifier) used to get the value when a parameter set is returned. Each database is required to have and id and status field. There are many optional fields which can be used to give additionally information about the run such as start time and who performed the run. Below are the fields that are used with parsing parameter sets. Required parameters are marked with an astrict(*).

Fields Description
id* (str) Unique parameter set installed
status* (str) The current status of the parameter set. Blank values(default) have not been ran, successful have finished and failed have failed.
start-time (str) The time that the parameter set began. Times are in UTC time format.
end-time (str) The time that the parameter set finished. Times are in UTC time format.
performed-by (str) The username of the person that ran the parameter set.
comments (str) Any comments such as error messages relating to the parameter set.
computer-strength (int) The minimum strength that the computer running the test should have. The computer-strength in the Config must be greather than or equal to this value for the test to be ran

The id field is a unique identifier for that test. This attribute is used to identify the parameter set and must be given to most of the methods in the Param class. The status field gives the current status of the test.

There are five main status values: empty, “successful”, “failed”, “in progress”, and other text. When a test has an empty status it indicates that the test has not been ran yet. A status of “successful” indicates that the test has finished successfully, and a “failed” status shows that the test failed.

When you request another parameter set by running next_parameters(), the status will automatically be set to “in progress”. If the status is not empty, then DAPT will not offer it when the next_parameters() method is called. You can update the status to something you want by calling the update_status() method.


The Config fields will only be used if they are included in the Config. If the fields are excluded, then the the fields will not be added.

Fields Description
num-of-runs (int) The number of paramater sets to run.
performed-by (str) The name of the person that ran the parameter set.
last-test (str) The last test id that was run. If a test exits before completeing, it will be re-ran.
computer-strength (int) Only run tests on computers with sufficient power. The parameter set will only be run if this value is greater than or equal that of the parameter sets computer-strength.


To initiate the Param class, you must provide a database object. The database used in this example is the A config object can additionally be provided to enable advanced control.

>>> param = dapt.Param(db, config=conf)

The param object is used to interact with parameter sets in the parameter space. To get the next parameter set, you use the next_parameters() method. This will return a JSON object containing the parameter set.

>>> p = param.next_parameters()
>>> p
{'id': 't2', 'start-time': '2020-12-27 17:21:00', 'end-time': '', 'status': 'in progress',
 'a': '10', 'b': '10', 'c': ''}

The status of the parameter set will automatically be set to “in progress”. To change the status, you can use the update_status() method. This method requires the id of the parameter set and the new status to be provided. In this case, the id is “t2”.

>>> p = param.update_status(p['id'], 'adding')
>>> p
{'id': 't2', 'start-time': '2020-12-28 21:11:10', 'end-time': '', 'status': 'adding',
 'a': '10', 'b': '10', 'c': ''}

The status can be updated as many times as you’d like. Once you have finished running the test, you can mark it as successful or failed using the respective method. These methods require the id of the parameter set to be specified.

>>> param.successful(p['id'])
{'id': 't2', 'start-time': '2020-12-28 21:11:10', 'end-time': '2020-12-28 21:24:50',
 'status': 'successful', 'a': '10', 'b': '10', 'c': ''}

If you mark the test as failed, the reason can optionally be provied.

class dapt.param.Param(database, config=None)

Bases: object

Create a Param instance with a database and optional config file.

  • database (Database) – a Database instance (such as sheets, Delimited file)
  • config (Config) – a config object which allows for more features. This is optional.
failed(id, err='')

Mark a parameter set as failed to completed.

  • id (str) – the id of the parameter set to use
  • err (str) – the error message. Empty by default.

The new parameter set that has been updated or False if not able to update.


Get the next parameter set if one exists

Returns:An OrderedDict containing the key-value pairs from that parameter set or None if there are no more to sets.

Mark a parameter set as successfully completed.

Parameters:id (str) – the id of the parameter set to use
Returns:The new parameter set that has been updated or False if not able to update.
update_status(id, status)

Update the status of the selected parameter. If status is not included in the parameter set keys then nothing will be updated.

Parameters:id (str) – the id of the parameter set to use
Returns:The new parameter set that has been updated or False if not able to update.