
Class that allows for reading and modification of a configuration (config) file. A config file is not required but using one will make using DAPT much easier to use and greatly increase increase it’s functionality. A configuration file is simply a JSON file. There are some reserved keys but you can add your own and refer to them throughout your program.


Fields Description
last-test (str) The last test id that was run.
user-name (str) The box username of the user.
spreedsheet-id (str) The Google spreedsheet ID being used.
sheets-creds-path (str) The Google Sheets credentials file path.
sheet-worksheet-id (str) The Google Sheets worksheet id. Sheets are indexed at 0.
sheet-worksheet-title (str) The Google Sheets worksheet title.
client_id (str) Box API client ID.
client_secret (str) Box API client secret.
box-folder-id (str) The box folder id to use
reset-time (str) The time that the box access-token needs to be refreshed.
num-of-runs (int) The number of paramater sets to run.
computer-strength (int) Any comments such as error messages relating to the parameter set.
access-token (str) The box access token for the particular session.
refresh-token (str) The box refresh token for the particular session.
class dapt.config.Config(path='config.json')

Class which loads and allows for editing of a config file

Parameters:path (string) – path to config file
static create(path='config.json')

Creates a config file with the reserved keys inserted.

Parameters:path (string) – path where config file will be written

Reads the file with path set to self.path

Returns:Dictionary of config file
static safe(path='config.json')

Safe config file by removing accessToken and refreshToken.

Parameters:path (string) – path where config file will be writen

Change value for a given key in the config file

Returns:Dictionary of config file