
If you would like to contribute please fork the repo and make a pull request explaining what you added/fixed and why you added it. When you write a new feature please write tests in the test directory and documentation in the docs folder.


Documentation is performed using Sphinx. The docs folder holds all of the resources to document the code. If you’re not familiar with Sphinx you can read this Medium tutorial for an introduction. Google docstrings are used for inline commenting inside each file.

To install the required packages, run the following commands:

pip install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme

You can compile the docs by running make build-html, assuming you have sphinx installed. This will remove the old documentation and create the new html documentation in docs/_build/html.


Tests are located in the tests folder and written using pytest. You can run the tests locally by running python3 -m pytest in the root DAPT directory. This assumes that you have a configuration file named test_config.json in the root directory. The convention used is to name all files and functions in the test directory test_x, where x is the name/description of the test.

To run tests on the tests for TravisCI, the API keys need to be stored in environment variables so they can be kept private. These values must be escpaed in the same way Bash shells must have escaped values. A simple way to do this is python is by using the json.dump(SECRET_KEY) method which will automatically escape the values for you.